Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

Do you struggle to blend or color neatly?

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

You’ve taken the coloring classes, you’ve tried the tutorials…

But to be perfectly honest, you’re just not getting it. You can kind’a flick and almost blend. It feels like you’re missing something. Something important.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were demonstrations which focus less on cute projects and more on how to get your hand to do the darned technique?

Pssstttt… now there is!

The Flick Stroke is an essential Copic Marker technique. This episode of the Coloring Basics online class explores proper flicking. Troubleshoot your stroke. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective flicks. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #begi…

Technique focused Discussion

Trendy coloring projects are fun but they’re not getting you anywhere.

Explore beginner Copic Marker techniques from TWO viewpoints

Amy Shulke is a professional illustrator with over 25 years of experience using alcohol markers.

Elena Cazares is a talented colorer who has turned her love of markers into an art supply store, a popular Copic swatch series, and educational videos.

Join Amy & Elena as they explore basic beginner coloring techniques. Sometimes they agree, sometimes they don’t— but both get beautiful results.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

Flicking, swishing, Blending, and Fences


Coloring Basics is NOT a coloring class.

We don’t coach you part-by-part through how to color flower bouquets, vegetables, or google-eyed penguins in pajamas.

Instead, we focus on the strokes.

How to flick. How to swish. How to blend. How to build fences for neat and tidy edges.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…
  • Watch as two experienced colorers compare and contrast the way they perform basic motions. Not every method works for everyone!

  • Notice the details- like body movement, elbow swing, posture, and position. There is more to learning than watching someone’s hand.

  • Listen as Amy & Elena describe the keys to effective and efficient coloring.

  • Laugh as they discuss what works and what fails every time they try it.

Coloring Basics is NOT about coloring apples, jalapeños, bananas, or carrots.

But you’ll use this information on apples, animals, airplanes, astronauts. Anything.

Technique, not projects.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

the Flick Stroke

Flicking is the most important marker stroke— the backbone for ink control, blending, and color sculpting for depth & dimension. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective flicks.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

Basic Blending

Smooth and seamless blending is what every marker colorer wishes for. Amy and Elena show you the keys to make your blending an automatic reflex rather than a constant struggle.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

the Swish Stroke

Swishing is the key to coloring large areas smoothly and making the most natural blends. Break free of quarter-fold card sized stamps and color at framable art size with these swishing tips.

Learn essential Copic Marker techniques in Coloring Basics online classes, Explores proper flicking, swishing, fences, and blending. Troubleshoot your strokes. Improve your coloring with smarter, more effective movement. | VanillaArts.com | #copic #…

Fence Technique

Are you tired of straying outside the lines or making jagged edges instead of sharp borders? Learn how to rein in your marker strokes to color crisp and tidy no-line images with ease.

Please note: the fruit and vegetables shown above are NOT taught in Coloring Basics classes. These digital stamps are included with purchase as practice images only. Classes demonstrate techniques which can then be used on the included stamp. Samples shown are Amy’s work and are NOT beginner level— she is a professional illustrator. She uses these techniques in her artwork daily and you can use them too.


Coloring Basics is sponsored by:

Violeta-Ink is an Authorized Retailer of Copic Sketch Markers, Copic Refill Inks, and misc. Copic supplies.

We highly recommend them for their friendly customer service and prompt shipping.