Underpainters Logo Master.jpg

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a coloring class? Will there be video instruction?

No, this is not a class. The Underpainters is an advanced, challenge level feedback and support community.

Monthly images (digital stamps) will be issued along with helpful learning aids but there will be no tutorials or demonstrations. It’s up to you to determine your approach to the project and choose your own supply list.

What skill level do I need for this group? Is there a pre-requisite class?

We work independently in this challenge community, therefore you need to be at least an upper intermediate to advanced level colorer who is very comfortable with your supplies. Please note that we do not teach you to use markers, pencils, or watercolor in this group.

We recommend taking Marker Painting Foundations or Colored Pencil Plus, depending upon which mediums you want to focus upon. These courses will give you the skills necessary to work at the required level.

Then we recommend taking Box of Colors to ensure that you’re familiar with project planning, independent color selection, and reading surface landscaping.

How do I participate? Is a membership required?

You must have a paid membership to download project materials and to access the private forum.

Members download the monthly challenge image, choose a similar image, or draw their own image within the monthly guidelines.

Follow the learning aid packet closely or branch off into your own color palette, medium, or technique.

Then upload .JPG images of your project to The Underpainters dedicated forum for help, feedback, and support from Amy, the Vanilla Team, and community members.

What is included in the monthly challenge materials?

One original line drawing from Amy Shulke of Vanilla Arts Co in your choice of PDF, PNG, or JPG digital stamps.

Assorted PDF guides may include color suggestions, technique suggestions, and WIP photos.

Community discussions and feedback are participant generated, the discussion can lead anywhere.

Can I participate without joining the forum? Is this a Facebook group?

All communications must take place on the dedicated private forum. We do not accept email images and will not offer email feedback.

The forum is a private group, exclusive to paid Underpainters members. It is hosted by Vanilla Arts Co and housed on the Mighty Network platform. We do not use Facebook for this group.

How long do I get access to the challenge materials? Can I keep them?

Challenge materials are issued on the first day of each month and are available to paid members for personal download until the last day of the month.

It is your responsibility to download the materials while they are available. Sorry, we can not email missed items after the challenge has expired. Digital stamps will move to the Vanilla Stamp Shop after the challenge has ended, you may purchase previous months or missed items there.

You may keep the digital downloads for personal use. You may not share materials with friends or family. Your access to new challenge materials end when your paid membership expires.

What if I can’t keep up with the challenges?

We encourage you to work at your own pace but please understand that each month the group focus will shift to a new challenge. You may upload old projects or new twists on the current project but feedback will be up to individual community members.

The Vanilla Team will always keep their primary focus on the challenge of the month.

What mediums can I use?

Amy has a BFA in Illustration and is proficient in a wide variety of drawing and painting mediums. She can provide assistance but absolutely will not provide the intensive feedback necessary to teach you a new medium you’ve never tried before.

Many of our members use Copic Markers, colored pencils (several brands), watercolor and water-soluble pencils/crayons. Mediums like charcoal or pastel may be used but we can’t guarantee the membership has experience with these mediums. Acrylic and oil paints are not recommended.

In all cases, most of the feedback you receive will not be specific to the medium but instead will address your use of color palette and techniques like underpainting, Push/Pull, and color sculpting. Your success at capturing accurate color, form, texture, or shape is what the group will focus on.

Will I get feedback on my project directly from Amy?

This is a self-directed group with guidance from the Vanilla Team. The more you support other members, the more quality feedback you can expect.

We can not guarantee feedback from Amy on every project you submit. She is active in the community, monitors content, and will offer guidance when possible but her primary focus will be on generating new content and steering the community into areas where the most help is needed.

What if I enroll but find that I’m not happy with the group?

We encourage you to start with a one-month membership to make this decision before you purchase a longer membership.

Please contact us within 30 days— after that, no refund is possible. No exceptions.

How are subscriptions and payments handled?

We use the Teachable platform to deliver downloadable content and manage your subscription.

One month subscriptions are available as a trial run or during times of the year when you know you may be too busy for a full subscription.

WARNING: The one month subscription auto-renews each month. To take advantage of the best price, you must unsubscribe from the monthly option and subscribe to the 6 or 12 month option. We can not do this for you. Use your MyTeachable account to make subscription changes.

6 and 12 month subscriptions are available for longer terms and provide the best rate. These subscriptions DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY RENEW but we will send you a reminder email when your subscription is almost at an end.

Teachable uses Stripe to process Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover payments. PayPal is also an option and runs through the PayPal checkout system.

Several major currencies are accepted but prices are listed in USD. VAT is automatically charged where applicable.

How do I cancel my subscription?

Please use the MyTeachable area to self-unsubscribe. For security purposes, we can not access your MyTeachable account and thus, we can not change your subscription for you.

Sorry, we do not pro-rate membership refunds.

Can I purchase a gift subscription for someone else?

We have Vanilla Gift certificates available here. When you purchase, our school administrator will email you a printable certificate with a unique coupon code. Please allow 48 hours for us to process your purchase and send your code.


Community Rules & guidance

The Underpainters Community and Forum is a place to challenge your coloring skills but it’s a support system, not a class.

We want to share in your insights, tips, questions, answers, and most importantly, we want support each other as we learn and grow.

This group is community supported— think of it as karma-driven. The more you participate and share, the more responses, feedback, and artistic friendship you’ll receive from the community.

This forum has a paid community administrator (Lisa) and several volunteer moderators.

The admin’s job is not to offer feedback and she will not respond to every post in the group. She monitors the site for technical issues and conflict, as well as encouraging discussion on specific subjects.

The moderators are experienced colorers and offer feedback on their own personal time, as they can. They’ve been selected for their knowledge of coloring but also for their ability to offer useful information in a wide variety of circumstances. Please treat them with respect.

We have built this community as a support system and for mutual shared learning. We want to make sure it’s a safe space where members are encouraged and strengthened.

But there’s a problem with positive feedback that is consistently sunshine and rainbows: it hampers your growth.

In order for feedback to be helpful, it must be honest… which can sometimes hurt. Amy and her team of admins and moderators will remove brutal or cutting comments and repeat offenders will be dismissed from the group without a refund. But we also rely on you to be an adult and accept critical feedback when it is offered kindly and with the best of intentions.

We are not running formal classes and there are no demonstrations or videos to guide you. Amy’s projects are shown as inspiration, not as your intended results. The goal is not to color like Amy or the Vanilla Team but to explore your own unique voice.


No Self-Promotion or advertising unless you are a paid sponsor of The Underpainters. What do we mean by self promotion?

  • You may not sell products, tutorials, classes, or services without express written permission from Amy Shulke or Lisa Fearday (Vanilla Arts Administrator).

  • You may not promote paid or free webinars, broadcasts, or livestreams without express written permission from Amy Shulke or Lisa Fearday (Vanilla Arts Administrator).

  • You may not post affiliate links.

  • You may not post free offers for your own products or services. You may not post news of free giveaways, coupon codes, raffles, or other promotional incentives.

  • You may not work in tandem with other businesses, instructors, or bloggers to promote each other’s content, classes, or merchandise.

  • Violators will be removed from the forum and no refund given.

  • You are allowed to post applicable and relevant blog articles as links only. If the Vanilla Team finds the materials of questionable relevance, we reserve the right to remove the post without notice.

If you post outside project photos such as recent items from your website, blog, or classes, they must be highly relevant and not considered self promotion as listed above.

If you use a stamp or line drawing from another artist or class, they must be clearly marked as such with an appropriate link to the original source, class, or artist.

  • We will not condone sharing class content, trade secrets, copyrighted materials, or intellectual property of other artists, instructors, authors, classes, articles, or websites.

  • DO NOT use tutorials or other class instructions as your monthly challenge submissions. WE WILL NOT OFFER FEEDBACK ON MATERIALS FROM OTHER CLASSES, DEMONSTRATIONS, OR TUTORIALS.

  • If you see a post which violates these rules, please notify a moderator or the forum administrator immediately.

Be kind. Be productive.

  • We monitor posts for mean or overly critical feedback.

  • We will not condone rants, call-outs, and social or political shaming.

  • We will not allow negative critiques of other instructors, businesses, or websites.

  • Please notify us immediately if you see this occur.

Be instructive. Be helpful.

  • Ask concise questions.

  • Give concise answers.

  • Respond to and “heart” more projects than you post.

  • Be supportive, especially when offering honest feedback that could be construed as negative. Consider the “sandwich method” where you say something positive, then offer honest (yet kind) criticism, then follow it up with another positive statement.

  • Be humble in your posts and your feedback.

Be open and receptive to feedback. Not every project is a winner and everyone has areas where they can improve.

If you can’t accept suggestions for improvement with an open heart and mind, you should not join this community.

Be present and active on the forum, even when you’re not awaiting feedback.

Remember, there is more to life than coloring. Let’s keep it fun.