Realistic Coloring: Glazing Technique for translucent objects (Copic marker, Colored Pencil)

Realistic Coloring: Glazing Technique for translucent objects (Copic marker, Colored Pencil)

Do you color transparent objects with a blue Copic Marker?

Last month, we looked at transparent glass and the failures of the blue marker method.

The blue marker method was likely born out of coloring frustration. Because really, what color is clear?

The blue marker technique seems to have caught on like wildfire; you see it everywhere! And I'm not surprised. Look, we've all been there. The stamp or coloring book image has a transparent object in it and we don't want to leave large areas completely uncolored... so what marker or colored pencil should we use?

The Danger of Step-by-Step Coloring Tutorials

The Danger of Step-by-Step Coloring Tutorials

Hooray! It's Blogday!

Ever notice how we look forward to certain days of the week when our favorite internetters post new content?

That's Blogday.

Time to check in with all your favorite Copic Marker bloggers. Time to scour the colored pencil channels on YouTube! And don't forget about all the coloring groups on Facebook!

But wait. Hold on a second.

Want to know why you've been coloring for years and yet…

Am I Done Yet? How To Know When your coloring is Finished

Am I Done Yet? How To Know When your coloring is Finished

Are We There Yet?

Are we there yet now? How about now?

Knowing when to declare "I'm finally finished!" is hard.

Do you have enough Copic Marker color? Have you added enough colored pencil? Are the blends good? Does it look right? Is anything left undone?

Beginners have an especially tough time deciding when to call it quits. Many overwork their projects (as I discussed here) but far more students quit too early leaving things looking half finished or uncolored.

It's a hard call to make.

And here's where you're expecting me to swoop in with a handy solution, right?

Cheers! - a Copic & colored pencil Marker Painting Workshop

Cheers! - a Copic & colored pencil Marker Painting Workshop

It's Wedding Season!

Are you getting ready to celebrate with friends and family?

"Cheers!" is my latest Copic coloring image, another realism challenge for those of you who love food illustration!

This digital stamp is completely free to Free Digi Club subscribers from now until July 2017…