Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Storm Clouds

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Storm Clouds

Real shade is not darker color, real shade is desaturated color. To create the desaturated colors that Copic Marker does not make, Vanilla Arts Company teaches Online Workshops and Livestream Coloring Challenges using the underpainting method. Students learn to layer colors realistically rather than blend. Underpainting creates natural colors found in everyday life. This week, explore how a deep yellow underneath blue results in the perfect stormy clouds…

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Ocean Wake

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Ocean Wake

Briny Blues

Did you know that artists have traditionally loved the sea so much that they named one of our favorite colors after it?Aquamarine! Check out the names on your blue-green markers. Even Copic got into the watery spirit of things: pale aqua, aqua blue, aqua, coral sea, aqua mint, horizon green, Nile blue, ocean mist, ice ocean and abyss green. So since we are so obsessed with the variations of the ocean’s beauty, doesn’t it make sense to choose colors wisely when portraying watery depths? Using a little C6 to underpaint your BG49 is sure to create a splash!

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Glazed Beige

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Glazed Beige

Translucent Beige

Did you know that underpainting isn’t just a technique for darker colors?


Well that’s what Vanilla Arts is here for…to teach you those little surprises that will make your Copic coloring projects drip with realism…

Just like these donuts are dripping with glaze!

Good coloring is a combination of good thinking and good observing. Ask the average person on the street what color they think a glazed donut is and not one in a hundred is going to say, “Blue violet!”

But look at those shaded areas in our photo reference. If you try to color them with straight YR31, it will be way too bright…

and unrealistic.

The solution is simple: Tone down those areas with a little BV0000 underpainting.

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Maple Glow

Vanilla Undercover: Underpaint with Copic Markers for Beautiful Realism - Maple Glow

Resplendent Rust

Gaze upon the glorious colors of autumn…red, brown, orange, gold, pink, and even stubborn bright greens that refuse to surrender their pigment to winter’s beckoning fingers. Autumn is the triumphant end to summer. How does a marker artist capture with realism the vibrant color palette of sugar maples? At Vanilla Arts, we teach you how to think outside the box when it comes to blending colors for realism. That’s why we underpainted the dark end of this R27-YR07-YR04 run with B32.